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提出了一种利用曲线拟含定量分析暂态振荡信号的方法.该方法给出的暂态振荡信号模型能够反映振荡的幅度和频率随时间变化的规律.提出了利用曲线拟合方法确定该摸型的具体参数的步骤:首先利用三次样条插值求出信号的上包络曲线,对其采用指数衰减信号模型来进行拟合以描述信号振荡幅度的变化参数;然后得到信号频率变化部分的正弦形式,利用 Hilbert 变换提取出正弦部分的相位,并采用幂指数信号模型进行拟合以描述信号振荡频率的变化参数.与以往分析暂态振荡信号的方法相比,该方法可对信号进行定量分析.仿真和试验结果表明,采用曲线拟合方法确定模型参数,实现过程简单,均方根误差小;对实际信号的分析则表明所提出的模型能够真实地反映出实际暂态振荡信号的变化规律.  相似文献   
思想政治工作是我党我军的政治优势 ,是团结全党和全国各族人民实现党和国家各项任务的中心环节。面对新的形势 ,新的特点 ,如何使思想政治工作更具有实效性 ,是部队思想政治工作面临的重大理论问题和现实问题。  相似文献   
介绍了概率风险评估与火灾概率风险评估的基本概念,详细论述了概率风险评估的主要内容及其在核电站火灾安全管理中的应用。  相似文献   
军用飞机维修费用需求与战备完好率要求密切相关,为保持飞机一定的战备完好率水平,必须投入一定的维修费用。维修费用投入多,则维修设备齐全,维修人员维修能力高,维修备件充足,飞机故障修复时间短,战备完好率高;维修费用投入少,会造成维修设备短缺,设施破旧,维修人员培训不到位,维修备件供应不足等各种问题,直接影响战备完好率水平。  相似文献   
It has frequently been observed in the literature on hybrid wars that there is a grey zone between peace and war, and that hybrid wars are conflicts which are not clear cases of war. In this paper, I attempt to illuminate this grey zone and the concept and nature of war from the philosophical discussions of vagueness and institutional facts. Vague terms are characterized by the fact that there is no non-arbitrary boundary between entities which lie in their extension, and entities which do not lie in their extension. I apply a theory of vagueness to notions such as “war” and “peace” and go on to suggest that the exact boundary for what counts as a war or not is arbitrary. However, the context in which the conflict occurs determines a range of possible locations for this boundary. The most important contextual parameter is in this respect how the parties to the conflict themselves conceptualize the conflict. I suggest that this can in various ways help us understand grey-zone conflicts.  相似文献   
由于阵元间相位差变化率这一观测量与通道不一致性关系不大,信号到达两阵元间的相位差变化率常用于无源定位测量中。提出了一种新的快速高精度的相位差变化率测量方法,利用分时间片思想,首先通过对无模糊相位差进行一次相位平移,得到各个时间片含模糊的相位差值;然后对得到的各个时间片的含模糊相位差进行一次相位平移,得到各时间片间相对无模糊的相位差;最后对相对无模糊相位差采用最小二乘算法求得相位差变化率。理论分析和仿真实验表明,本算法可以很好地解决测量中由于相位模糊造成的相位差抖动问题,能够在短时间内得到高精度相位差变化率信息,可以满足定位要求。  相似文献   
在我国,军事权是国家权力体系中一项独立的权力,它是中央军事委员会及其所属各级军事机关依照宪法授权而享有的对武装力量进行统率和管理的一切支配力的总和。我国历史上出现过的十几部宪法或宪法性文件均对其作出了规定。现行的"八二宪法"更是对军事权的权力来源、权力主体、权力范围、权力结构、启动程序和行使结果进行了较为完善的规制。在这些宪法规制的框架下,我们寻求着军事权的"增强"与"节制"这对二律背反的精妙平衡。  相似文献   
论述了我国当前消防法制建设中存在的问题 :无法可依 ;有法难依 ;执法不严 ;违法难究。指出消防法制建设应该注意的问题 :建立完善科学的消防法规体系 ;明确政府职责 ,切实加强领导 ;进一步加强公安消防监督队伍建设。  相似文献   
针对QPSK变速率调制数字系统,提出了一种新的基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现方法,该系统可以支持4.88 Kb/s到2 Mb/s和更高的连续比特速率。设计采用混合乘法器、数控振荡器(NCO)和积分-梳状滤波器(CIC),并给出了系统中载波和信号恢复电路的设计结构,且可以移植到任何FPGA器件。提出的设计在Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA平台进行了硬件测试。硬件实现结果显示,采用本方法实现的解调器,表现出优越的使用效率。  相似文献   
How do we understand combat effectiveness – soldiers’ performance in battle? Despite the broad consensus that understanding combat effectiveness is important both for scholars and policymakers, there is widespread disagreement about what combat effectiveness is. More specifically, studies of effectiveness tend to focus on either the skill of soldiers in battle, or their will to fight. Yet both skill and will are essential components of an effective fighting force. This article argues that understanding combat effectiveness requires understanding both of these key components of effectiveness. In other words, combat effectiveness requires both the skill and will to engage the enemy in an organized manner. It then demonstrates the usefulness of this conceptualization by applying it to the cases of British, Indian, and Australian forces fighting the Japanese during the Second World War. Only when scholars are talking about the same concept will our understanding of the conditions under which militaries are effective in battle progress. By comparing different units fighting the same opponent under the same material conditions, I demonstrate that units vary both in their combat skill and their will to fight, and that understanding their effectiveness in battle requires analyzing both of these key factors.  相似文献   
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